Frequently Asked Questions

How much does it cost?

The first half day (4hrs) is $250 with additional hours billed at $50/hr.

For smaller jobs, it is $75/hr (1 hour minimum).

New clients can arrange for a free assessment, for up to one hour.

While it is sometimes difficult to give an exact estimate (as we never know what we will unearth in our process), it usually takes me less time than people think it will. On the Before & After page, you can see some examples of my work and the times it took to get from before to after.

I am very good at working within a budget.

How do I prepare?

This depends on what needs doing but generally, you don’t need to do anything to prepare. For most organizational and purge jobs I recommend that you have old boxes of various sizes on hand (to sort items into) as well as garbage and recycling bags. Some cloths for wiping and dusting, as well as a broom and dustpan often come in handy. Don’t buy anything beforehand unless it is for sure something you will use afterwards.

Where does respace respace?

Respace is located in Roncesvalles Village and I have clients throughout Toronto.

Do I need to help?

Whether you need to help or not depends on what you need to be done and also on your preference. If it’s a sorting or reorganizing job then usually minimal help is needed. If it’s a purging job then you will need to be available for the “keep or toss” portion of the day. Also… some people like to be involved, and some people like it or need it to be done for them. Both options work.

When can we do this?

I am mostly available weekdays but have some evening and weekend availability as well.

What are your COVID protocols?

You do not need to wear a mask but I will be wearing one while in your home. If anyone in your home is sick please reschedule (with no rescheduling fee).

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